measure progress
- 评估进展

Set yourself goals for advancement and measure progress against them .
As a management tool , it can list goals and ways to measure progress .
Because in the end , that is how Joe and I measure progress .
They do not measure progress against written objectives because they do not set themselves any objectives .
Some organizations use the TOEIC to measure progress in English training programs and as a placement test .
Key performance indicators ( KPIs ) are designed to help organizations define and measure progress toward business goals .
Secretary Gates said U.S. officials are now working on a series of to measure progress in Afghanistan .
But rather , we were trying to come up with shorter-term goals , where we could measure progress .
It is also necessary to measure progress and analyse barriers to implementation on a continuous basis in order to inform effective action .
Project assessments give project managers accurate and objective project information to measure progress and quality and make critical project decisions based on that information .
You consider only complete features , or whatever you are using to measure progress , as an iteration deliverable .
To me , one of the best ways to measure progress is to look at how many children are dying of preventable causes 。
The Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to measure progress towards the goals in terms meaningful to customers and leaders .
The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society collects data to measure progress against the indicators , and will report their findings annually .
Key performance indicators that measure progress against quality objectives should be established , monitored , communicated regularly and acted upon as appropriate .
The expected results describe some of the changes implied in the strategic directions and provide a framework to help identify specific tasks and measure progress .
As a management tool , it can list goals and ways to measure progress . And as a planning tool , it can help a business around problems .
We measure progress toward our goal of delivering great customer experiences through an intensive process involving graded restaurant visit , and customer and employee surveys .
Our Country Strategy Paper explains how DFID aims to contribute to progress towards the Millennium Develo9pment Goals in China , and provides a basis to measure progress .
A federation-wide evaluation system that includes self-evaluation and peer review will be established to measure progress in all core areas and incorporate learning into future programme development .
A fourth set attempts to measure progress in the way the International Federation as a whole works together , particularly the development of cooperation strategies leading to long-term partnerships .
In addition , they typically measure progress using Gantt charts that indicate the project is33 percent complete , 66 percent complete , and so forth .
The Gender Policy Council will work with all cabinet secretaries and submit an annual report to the president to measure progress on prioritizing gender equality across government .
It is through these milestones that management can measure progress and quality , and hence anticipate , identify , and then actively attach risks on an ongoing basis .
Yet we de-emphasize the tools that customers and managers have traditional used to measure progress towards goals , such as project plans , contracts , and formal status reporting .
We cannot measure progress based simply on what has been built , only to discover too late that the quality is poor , and we have underestimated the testing effort required .
First and foremost , project managers need to educate steering committee members about how to measure progress : The only meaningful way is to look at working software , not signed-off documents .
To measure progress accurately , programmes need to use Metrics-based measurement tools , such as earned value management , and mitigate the risk at the first sign of resource or schedule variance that falls outside acceptable parameters .
We recognize the importance of data to measure progress in reducing barriers to women 's economic participation , and we welcome the establishment of the APEC Women and the Economy Dashboard as a tool to inform policy discussions .
Speaking at the launch of a lesbian and gay , bisexual and transgender network set up by Arup , he said business is still less tolerant than other areas of life and called for " concrete targets " to measure progress .